Monday, 23 June 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

It's been a busy couple of weeks here in Stardust land, and also quite stressful. I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in my hands and several other joints. Needless to say its the hands that worry me most, as a jeweller they're quite important. As a jeweller who sells entirely online they're absolutely essential. There's lots of useful things one can do to try and manage it though so I'm remaining optimistic. The Arthritis Care website has been invaluable in providing lots of useful and pertinant information that my GP failed to mention.

Other than stressing about my fingers (which are rather painful) I've been busy getting stock listed and ordering more. Check the New In Stock category over at to see what I've been adding. I'm also midway through another tutorial for a beautiful sparkly pink bracelet. I haven't written it up yet but it should be available in the next few days - watch this space!

And finally, I thought if I'm going to find myself with extremely restricted finger usage within the next few years, I need to get back to drawing regularly! I was always told I had no drawing talent and thus it was only around November last year when I plucked up the courage to teach myself to draw. Due to general busy-ness I haven't drawn at all since around January this year but over the weekend I pulled out my pencils and took a stab at my first ever fairy. She's far from perfect but given my lack of experience, I was reasonably pleased.

Fairy Drawing

Until next time...

Happy Beading!


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